Planning for Next Year: What to Do With Your Budget

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Planning for Next Year: What to Do With Your Budget

Oct 1, 2020 | 0 comments

With in-person events canceled, promotional products are a great way to make memorable connections with clients.

For businesses and independent practitioners, 2020 has been a year of both radical invention and putting out fires.

How do I do my work remotely? 

How do I manage a team from home? 

And, most importantly, how can I stay connected with my customers when I can’t even hold a face-to-face conversation?

It is challenging to build a brand remotely. And with many events canceled and large gatherings still off the table, it’s also hard to know what to do with those unused dollars in the marketing budget.

Although it might be tempting to give up on 2020 and roll your events budget over into next year, we recommend that you resist this impulse.

After all, the year isn’t over yet. If you want to hit the ground running in 2021, it’s a good idea to consider how you might put those unused budget dollars to work for you. 

Physical Gifts for a Virtual World

There is something to be said for real, in-person experiences. 

Research shows that when we interact with physical objects, we use our brains differently than when we talk on the phone or look at a screen. Experiences with a physical dimension engage more of our senses (and therefore more of our brains) than purely virtual ones do. 

This means that you can create a stronger, longer lasting impression on your customers when your design promotional experiences with a physical or in-person component. This is why businesses invest time and money in events like holiday parties, after-work socials, open-houses, and meet-and-greets.

So what does that mean for businesses during COVID-19? Read on for a selection of ideas about how you can put your marketing budget to work bringing just a little bit of reality to the digital age. 

Your Signature Events, Pandemic-Style

Traditions might look a little bit different this year, but that doesn’t mean that they need to stop.

Curated promotional packages are a great way to remind your community of what it feels like to to come together—and a good way to keep your event on everybody’s calendar for the years to come, too.

For example, if you typically have a holiday party, consider sending cookies and some festive glassware. If you canceled your annual conference, perhaps your customers would appreciate a care package featuring a bound review of the year’s most interesting industry literature and some of your fan-favorite branded swag. 

If you’re not sure how to translate your event into a promotional gift, drop us a line! We’re here to help. 

Make it Personal

2020 has been hard on everyone.

While you can’t safely give a hug or a handshake yet, you can send your customers a token of your appreciation to let them know that your relationship matters.

Sending a unique, thoughtful item specifically tailored to your industry will remind your clients of why they trust your brand in the first place—and make sure they remember that you are waiting for them on the other side. 

A Fresh New Year

January is a time to regroup—when we all take a collective sigh, put the past year behind us, and set goals and intentions for what the next twelve months will bring. 

Start planning now about how you want to reach out to customers during this period of re-centering. 

A New Year’s gift tells your community that you look forward to working with them, not just now, but in the year to come.


Reach out to speak with a member of our team about connecting with your customers. We’ll help brainstorm a strategy that will carry you through the pandemic and bring you out stronger on the other side.

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